Suffering from bizarre narrative choices and weak character development, X-Men: Apocalypse is an otherwise passable and occasionally great installment of the franchise, mainly due to the continued strong performances and glorious action set pieces.
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
When the first mutant En Sabah Nur (Oscar Isaac), who was worshiped as a god In Egypt, awakes in the present days, he learns how the world has been transformed in his absence. He decides to bring the Apocalypse to the word and recruits four powerful mutants to assist him in the destruction of the weak. Now the only change to save the world depends on Professor Charles Xavier (James McAvoy) and a team of young mutants. "X-Men: Apocalypse" is another enjoyable adventure presenting the first and most powerful mutant of the world. The fight between the good and the evil is engaging and entertaining, supported by top-notch special effects that gives the sensation of a comic book on the screen. The best segment is the Magneto story in Poland and the fate of his beloved family. My vote is seven.Title (Brazil): "X-Men: Apocalipse" ("X-Men: Apocalypse")